Bandet har en repertoar åt det skandinaviska så kallade ECM hållet men flörtar även friskt med Pat Metheny. Delar av våran repertoar finns på ett av fotona. .Idag spelade vi till brunchen på Malmö konsthall. Smak som restaurangen heter är väldigt populär så som vanligt var det packat med folk. Denna gång även med celebert besök från de kinesiska myndigheterna tillsammans med Malmös starke man Ilmar Reepalu. Kolla in Hangar 3`s musik på
Hangar 3 is the band that I have played with for the longest period of time. It´s also the band that I have rehearsed the most with. More or less every day for periods of time. In addition to myself on the double bass the band consists of Mr. Johan Melén on the drums and Marcus "The soloist" on the guitar. Marcus and I met when I moved to Malmö in the fall of 2003. We started to play with Mr. Melén about a year after that. We went to Småland three summers in a row and had a"jazzcamp" at my lovely grandmothers place. We borrowed a red cabin and looked us in and played jazzmusic together ten hours a day.
Hangar 3 has a scandinavian so called ECM repertoire. The band is also inspired by Pat Metheny. Parts of our repertoire is on one of the photos. Today we played at the jazzbrunch at Malmö Konsthall. It is very popular so it´s always crowded. This time with guests from the Chines gouvernment together with "The strong man of Malmö", Ilmar Reepalu. Check out Hangar 3`s music at
Hej! bra spelning idag tyckte vi! Funderar på att ha en julfest i december i vår lägenhet, kan man få en offert?
SvaraRaderaHälsningar Anna och Nico (vi som applåderade :)
SvaraRaderaDet var finfint!
Hälsningar Sanna med familj
...som också applauderade ;)